Gargoyles: Awakening Part 4 – Episode Review

We’re moving right along to episode 4 of 5! The final push for the climax is on. The villains are putting even more pressure on the protagonists, while the protags are realizing they need to be proactive if they want to survive. No more minor leagues. This is pro.


Gargoyles: Awakening part 3 – Episode Review Continued

Welcome back to the third episode of Gargoyles, Awakening part 3! Episode three’s second half tables the concerns about the evil rival corporation Cyberbiotics stealing trade secrets from Xanatos Enterprises. Now we’re following the gargoyles as they explore the new city and new era.


Gargoyles: Awakening Part 3 – Episode Review

Welcome to episode 3 of a 5-parter! That means we’re half through, and the action, plot twists, and story will be ramping up. This episode is about all things new: sights, people, technology, food… We’ve seen the last of the Middle Ages for awhile; we’re now firmly in 1994.

We’re in for a wild ride the next few eps.


Gargoyles: Awakening Part 2 – Episode Review Continued

Welcome to the conclusion of ep 2! We open on a sunny day in Scotland, 1994. Ivy and moss cover sections of Castle Wyvern, but overall the place looks salvageable.

We’re not the only ones who think so. A good-looking fellow in a trench coat is observing the ruins, with his attention on Goliath. We haven’t heard his name yet, but…this is our first contact with David Xanatos.


Gargoyles: Awakening Part 2 – Episode Review

Welcome back! In this episode we bid farewell to the Middle Ages and time hop 1000 years into the future, to 1994, which is our…well, past now.

The second episode of a series has an even tougher job than the pilot ep: hold the audience’s interest while advancing the story.

We begin in Scotland, 994 AD…


Gargoyles: Awakening Part 1- Episode Review Continued

Stone by day, warriors by night… Welcome back to…THE FIRST EPISODE OF THE BEST SERIES EVER! If you missed the first half of my totally biased review, check out part 1 of Awakening part 1. Ready for part 2?


Gargoyles: Awakening Part 1- Episode Review

IT’S THE FIRST EPISODE OF THE BEST SERIES EVER! This will be a biased review, you say? Of course it will be, Captain Obvious. Aren’t all reviews? We’re going beat by beat, focusing on the villains.


The Most Active Gargoyles Fan Groups Online

We are defenders of the night. We are gargoyles!

What’s better than watching our favorite shows or reading our favorite books? Hanging out with fellow fans!

Growing up in the 1990s and 2000s, I’ve been a part of many a fan group for many a series. While the group concept isn’t as strong now as it was in the days of list-serve Yahoo groups, LiveJournal, and forums, it’s still around in other forms.


Best of Gargoyles Fan Art: Villains

We are defenders of the night. We are gargoyles!

While the Disney’s Gargoyles series may be complete, it lives on in fan art. Don’t worry, I did the research for you, hunting down some of the best villain/antagonist fan art from Gargoyles. Sadly, there isn’t nearly as much art featuring our favorite baddies as there is of the heroes. What else is new, eh?
