Understanding Sauron: How he can help us succeed in life – (Part 1)

One Ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Sauron, The Lord of the Rings namesake! He’s one of the most powerful and dangerous villains around. In short, he’s an analog of Satan. Think you know him? Unless you read the Silmarillion, you don’t. To really understand the Dark Lord, you have to start at the beginning. Sauron’s most active time is in JRR Tolkien’s The Silmarillion, which covers thousands of years of history. In this article we cover Sauron’s rises and falls.


Villains vs Antagonists: A field guide

What's the difference?

There is a difference between Antagonists and Villains. Look closely: A villain is a character/person who does bad things. An antagonist is simply a person who opposes another person. Whether a character is an antagonist or not all depends on which end we’re reading the story from.


Understanding Jareth the Goblin King: How he can help us succeed in life – (Part 1)

Jareth the Goblin King, master of the Labyrinth, controller of the Crystals, and generally stylish fellow

We analyze Jareth the Goblin King, the iconic antagonist from the Labyrinth movie. Why? To gain a better understanding of him and ourselves. He can teach us a lot if we look close enough. And I don’t just mean about fashion and magic dancing.
